Tuesday 4 November 2014

How to Reprogram Your Mind for Maximum Success

"The species which succeed are not the strongest; neither are they the most intelligent. But those who adapt to change." -Charles Darwin (paraphrased)

Charles Darwin's famous quote throws the 'iron man' and the survival of the fittest concept out of the window. If you must excel, you must adapt to change or be swept by change.

It is easy to ask: what's new but refuse to embrace renewal. We live in a universe where the change or the law of process is an integral part of the law of sowing and reaping. What you have been promised is enough to create what you can possess. But you must go through the process to apply the principles if you must reap the product.

We live in changing times and if you don't change, you will be left behind because things are moving very fast and time seems to be the most precious commodity in the universe. Change is about the process of time. And time is the stuff of life that seems to measure life span and everything else in the business of life.

"Do you love life? Don't squander time for time is the stuff of life," says Benjamin Franklin.

Time and time again people make New Year resolutions. In other words, they have a list of changes they want to make in their lives and business. But experience has thought us that those resolutions do not last. Why? Because these people lack the inner fortitude or technical resilience to effect change. You don't need a resolution, what you need is a revolution or radical change. And you cannot have a resolution until you have a revelation of human nature and change. It is after then that your resolution can kick in.

We don't see the world the way it is; we see the world the way we are. Our inner mirror is our self-image. All improvements in our lives start with an improvement in our self-image. When self-image improves, it elevates our self-esteem which in turn powers our self-direction, personal power and achievement. Thus nothing changes until we change within. In other words, when we change who we are, what we are looking at changes.

"Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:3).

What sets us back is the old programming. "The stinking thinking" the old scripts that is no longer relevant in moving us forward. The old programming is in form of ingrained habits, past experiences, failure images, defeating and self-limiting thoughts.

However, if don't update your thoughts, your life will be out-dated. Change your thoughts and change your life. The acronym is limits--Life Is Measured in Thoughts. Lack of change, struggle, and poverty is evidence that we are going against the grains of the universe and we are engaging in a lower thought life.

"As it is within so is it without," says a Chinese sage. This is the law of correspondence. Everything you see on the garden of your life is a reflection of the seeds planted as thoughts. The natural order of the universe is abundance. And the scarcity or lack we experience is due to scarcity programming of our mindset.

Your thought life is like a book or "man-script." You must change your spiritual hard-drive and reprogram your mental software by elevating your thinking and thinking a higher thought. The best way to do this is to think on the Word of God and discard any other human philosophy.

The heartbeat of personal development understands the power, purpose and principles of the mind. How your mind process information is the meat and potato of personal transformation. Application of mental dynamics is the difference between the rich and the rest. Rich folks are not rich because they have stuff; they are rich because they have rich thoughts. Therefore you must make the decision to leave behind the out-dated software scripts and reprogram your mental software with a new and more efficient program by meditating on the Word of God.

You cannot think God's thoughts and become poor. "Tell me the mind of God and every other thing is details," says Albert Einstein. There's no way you can think rich and grow poor. If you think low, you stay low. If you don't elevate your thoughts, you cannot elevate your life.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," says the Proverbs. Without the renewal of the mind, there is no transformation.


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